About Us
Our Mission
First of all, however you stumbled across this website, I can't express how grateful I am that you're here, and I hope you can take something away from what we have to offer. In my opinion, this is the most important page on this site, because from the beginning, the entire goal of the Crowns project was to spread a message that is perfectly summed up in a single word: Gratitude. At the heart of Crowns is 2 Timothy 4:8, and it reads:
"Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."
I could talk about this verse until the cows come home, but hopefully you're starting to piece together where we got our name from. The beautiful thing about this verse, and the reason we decided to build a whole business around it, is the part where Paul (who was writing this from prison mind you) says that if we keep our faith in Christ, we have crowns laid up for us too, so... wear it! See the world, leave your comfort zone, go jump in ice water, volunteer somewhere, call your parents, live your life with the freedom that you've been blessed with. Here's where we tie it back into the gratitude piece, if Paul can find joy from this fact while waiting for death in a roman prison, then what possible reason could we have to get out of bed with nothing other than a smile on our face.
If you skipped to the end, first of all why did you come to the about us page if you didn't plan on reading a little bit, but anyway, here's a quick summary: YOU'RE ALIVE, THERE'S A WHOLE WORLD OUT THERE, AND YOU'RE PLAYING ON HOUSE MONEY, SO PUT ON THE CROWN THAT THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING HAS LAID UP FOR YOU AND GET OUT THERE.
Our Team
Finally, I can introduce myself. Hi! My name is Casey Brandenburg, and I'm the one that made all this. Im 24 years old, I live in Lexington, Kentucky, and I am a nerd (one of those cool nerds that works out and stuff though). En route to getting my degree in computer science from the University of Kentucky (Go Cats), I took a class that taught iOS app design, and our final project was to make a fitness app. Needless to say what I created was not going to win any awards, but the process was enjoyable enough to plant the seed for a future project, and a couple months later, the Crowns Fitness app began to take shape, and with hopes to become much more than just an app.
While I am the one doing the creating, it would be a felony for me to take all the credit. This project would have failed a long time ago if it weren't for my incredible parents, my fiancé Jessica, and my friends Chris, Jarett, Jason, Virginia, Becky, Sadie, and plenty more. Crowns is still young, and while there is plenty enough ambition to go around, no one is sure how far we'll make it. That being said, I'm eager for our team to grow, and I'm excited to see who all joins us for our journey.
Our Goals
Goals are definitely not something we're running short on, and I want to share them with you because I believe you can tell a lot about a business based on where they want to end up. Crowns has never been about the money for us, if it was then our app would be much more expensive and we'd be sacrificing our core values left and right. For us, the over arching end goal is to help as many people as possible see the world and their fellow human beings for the beautiful creations that they are. We want people to understand the situation that they are in if they are in Christ, and how in that situation they have no excuse for lacking passion or excitement for life; this world is incredible, and it's time for people to start realizing that again.
Along the way to pursuing this goal, we hope to partner with as many amazing companies as possible. Community is a core pillar of what Crowns stands for, and we believe partnering with other incredible organizations, businesses like All Day Running Co or Tough Mudder for example, is a great way to build a culture of active people looking to get the most out of life.